Pay Per Impression Programs

Print: ADBrite

This is the review page for ADBrite affiliate program.
You are welcome give us suggestions that help us to improve money earnings with the ADBrite. Just leave here a comment how are you doing with the ADBrite and share your knowledge with other webmasters.

Sell Links with Text Link Ads
5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
This company doesn't pay now
Rating 4.79
Votes 14
11 th Aug 2006

Looking for google adsense alternative? Here it is!!!
AdBrite is one of the biggest competitors to Google Adsense. It accept some sites that Google AdSense doesnt so if you were rejected by Adsense than go with this program. Adbrite is an online advertising media affiliated with It allow you to make more money by selling your website empty spaces. You can also buy targeted text link on website of your choices. AdBrite is free to sign up!


Recommend it! 
Category: | Pay Per Click |
Join ADBrite affiliate program

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Rating: 1
I used it for 2 months and they went out of business and I didnt get pay. Oh well I find some much better then Google Check the UR http://www.flyerspecials.comThanks
Posted: March/14/2013

Rating: 6
wow.. nice to be here. adbrite, i used it couple months ago and.. not working good enough for me. so i change it with, it work with adsense too. and i like it, check for ur self.
Posted: November/10/2011

asha gelada
Rating: 2
Hi, I Saw Your Link in I Love Your Blogs Kindly See my Link Here a New Alternative Money Making Network a hrefhttp:seodigit.comAds-Network.php titlealternative to adbritealternative to adbritea here
Posted: June/05/2011

Rating: 9
Hi, I Saw Your Link in I Love Your Blogs Kindly See my Link Here a New Alternative Money Making Network a titlealternative to adbritealternative to adbritea here
Posted: May/14/2011

Rating: 7
Hi, I Saw Your Link in I Love Your Blogs Kindly See my Link Here a New Alternative Money Making Network a titlealternative to adbritealternative to adbritea here
Posted: May/13/2011

Rating: 2
Hi, I Saw Your Link in I Love Your Blogs Kindly See my Link Here a New Alternative Money Making Network a titlealternative to adbritealternative to adbritea here
Posted: May/13/2011

adbrite no payment
Rating: 1
adbrite is a Blacklist advertiser network.many complain adbrite no payment if your earning over USD$1k for publisher account.they will close your account and say they no have this username account or Say Your account has been flagged for generating invalid clicks or impressions.Advice you to change other advertiser network..
Posted: February/04/2009

Rating: 1
Unfortunately i dont have a success story but i will tell you my own experience with them.In short, Adbrite ripped me off I decided to give them a try and advertise my website in their marketplace and after i signed up and created my campaign then a while later i was trying to do some edits and i paused it but even though i did they kept charging my credit card for over 3 days after and i e-mailed their support million of times to get a refund with no use :Moreover, the quality of traffic they bring is useless cheap junk traffic.Whether you are going to advertise in their marketplace or monetize your website traffic..Do yourself a favor and STAY AWAY FROM THEM
Posted: August/08/2008

Rating: 5
Im using adbrite for a while now. its good, maybe better than adsense. features are good, specially statistics.Currenlty im playing ads formation to increase more revenue
Posted: June/07/2008

Rating: 4
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Posted: April/23/2008

Cathy Alaiza
Rating: 6
Hello Im Cathy Alaiza from the Philippines. I just surfed in. And I hope I can learn from you guys. Please update me of the new topics here. Ciao...cutietech123Put The Message Where It Matters WideCircles aka Wide Circles represents relevant, distributed, highly targeted and efficient internet word of mouth marketing using entertaining or informative messages that are designed to be passed along in an exponential fashion using social network mediums such as blogs, forums, wikis and so on.
Posted: April/23/2008

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